JUNE 1, 2017

It has been awhile since I’ve last posted. Our family was rocked with a very personal death in November. I wasn’t sure if I should post anything because 1) not many read this blog and 2) I’d be blogging about suicide. Then I thought, suicide is something everybody should hear about. It’s such a silent illness. And I’ll be honest, I was that person. That person that swept a suicide topic under the imaginary rug. But one day it happened to my family. And it changed everything.

My quiet little family had to learn to cope with big adult feelings. So, in order for us all to heal we took some time off from Pajamas In The Afternoon. It was a much needed break but we are back now. And summer is just beginning.

We have found a wonderful homeschool group! Our days are now filled with so much fun!!! I cannot wait to share it all with you (whoever you are).

Our first field trip was to a local pizza restaurant. The kids toured the kitchen, made personal pizzas, and played games in the arcade. Now, if you or your kids are anything like mine, there’s no way we could pass up pizza (especially for breakfast – early field trip bonus!).

Here’s a peek at pizza making!


We also had a pot luck at our local amusement park! It was sunny and beautiful today. The past couple weeks have been raining, so this was much needed. I’m hoping this is the beginning of a wonderful new adventure for me and my family. This group is just what we’ve been looking for. I wish I could post our group photo (maybe I’ll ask) but in the meantime enjoy my cuties!!


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